When: 13 July 2024
Meeting Point: 12.00 (for registered floats), 12.30 for foot groups & individuals, @Bâtiment4 (Esch-sur-Alzette)
Start: 13.00
A central element of a Pride has of course always been the Pride Parade. Since 2015, the stage programm at the street festival starts every year with the arrival of the parade at the town hall square in Esch-sur-Alzette. But what is the parade all about?
Since the beginning of the Pride movement in the aftermath of the Stonewall Uprising in 1969, Pride marches have been the channeling of the LGBTIQ+ community’s demands for acceptance and legal equality. The origin is basically political in nature. Thus, since the beginning of these marches, the demands of the community have been communicated to the public in the form of banners and signs by the participants. A Pride March is also about the visibility of a queer minority within society: while being „different“ was a taboo in social life and living out one’s sexual or gender identity was even punishable, queer culture only took place in secret. The Pride March puts faces to an anonymous mass and thus shares individual life stories. The message: come and show who you really are!
The Pride March is also a way for non-LGBTIQ+ people (so-called allys), organisations, parties and institutions to show their support and solidarity to the queer community and thus carry the concerns of LGBTIQ+ people into society at large.
To underline the political character of this march, the parade in Luxembourg has been held under the name Equality March since 2015.

How can I participate?
The Equality March is a demonstration of solidarity and rejection of hate and ignorance. We are therefore happy to welcome anyone who is interested in joining us.
It is possible to join either as a single private person, as an association, representation of a business or company or as an employee of public institutions. This can be either through a foot group or with your own float. However, the important thing is: the more colourful the better! So bring your rainbow flags, decorate your floats or make signs with your personal wishes and messages.
Important: Foot groups from associations, parties, businesses, companies or institutions must register with us in advance. The deadline for the registration of floats or other motorized vehicles has expired.
Foot groups from organisations, public institutions and companies are also required to register. Any foot group wishing to be represented as a separate block within the Equality March is also asked to register. Those foot groups who are not pre-registered will be attached at the end of the Equality March.
Vehicles must also be registered in advance. Vehicles that are not registered will not be able to spontaneously join the Equality March.
There will be a compulsory briefing session for those responsible of floats or any other motorised vehicles. The representatives of foot groups can participate on a voluntary basis. The purpose of the briefing session is to make the group leader aware of the regulations and risks during the demonstration. This will take place during the official drawing of the starting positions. This public event is also the kickoff event of our Pride Week and will take place on 12 June 2024 from 19.00 at the Rainbow Center in Luxembourg City. This Pride Kick-Off event is also open to anyone interested and we warmly invite everyone.
Individuals or smaller groups of friends do not have to register and can spontaneously participate in the open block.
You can register using the form below: